Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Purex Triple Action UltraPacks liquid laundry detergent - SUPER convenient!

I received a full-sized package of Purex Triple Action UltraPacks liquid laundry detergent to try out from Purex Insiders. (super awesome!) This is a brand new product and I am one of the first people that had the opportunity to try it out. Needless to say, I was VERY excited! Right away, I loved the product form. I love liquid detergent but having to measure out and pour the detergent just adds some extra steps to the process. With these pre-dosed UltraPacks, you just grab, toss, and you're DONE! It's super easy and convenient. Each UltraPack contains powerful 2x concentrated liquid detergent, giving each pack double the cleaning power in every drop. To me, that is pretty amazing! (not to mention convenient!!)

I definitely recommend making sure that your hands are dry before touching the UltraPacks, though. My hands were just a tad bit damp from touching the running water and the little packs dissolve VERY quickly! Believe me, that's a good thing because I don't want blobs of detergent floating around when I start to add in my laundry. I just needed to be more mindful after that initial use. These UltraPacks were GREAT! I received the Mountain Breeze scent which was very crisp & refreshing. The scent wasn't at all strong or overpowering; I thought it was just right! For anyone with fragrance sensitivites, they also offer a Free & Clear variety.

I added one UltraPack in the running water and watched it dissolve fairly quickly. The scent filled my entire laundry room. Again, the scent wasn't super strong. I thought it was just right! I closed the lid and waited the full 40 minutes until the cycle was finished. I could still smell the fresh scent of the detergent on my clothes when I opened the lid and started putting the clothes in the dryer. LOVE that! I did experiment with a few different stains and decided not to pretreat ANYTHING! These UltraPacks did a great job of removing stains, even hard to remove ones like tomato sauce. Overall, I thought this was a GREAT product and one that I would definitely recommend. If you're looking for a hassle free, hard-working detergent, this product is definitely for you. If you want more information, you can visit:

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